Progress Made On Retail Center At Corner Of Central Entrance And Arlington Avenue
Seeing as how Central Entrance is one of the most-traveled routes in the Twin Ports, it's been hard not to notice the changes happening at the corner of Central Entrance and Arlington Avenue. It appears that more are on the way.
Initially, the changes to come were foreshadowed by the closing of the ICO convenience store on the south of the intersection. When Kwik Trip bought the property, they quickly demolished the building and re-built a store to their own specifications. That left three gas/convenience stores on the corner - all competing against each other - the aforementioned Kwik Trip and two BP's. In short order, the BP on the north side of the intersection closed, followed this spring by the closing and demolition of the south-side BP. Along the way, the Pizza Hut closed - and then moved further down the road to a new location in the Central Village Retail Center.
More movement was made this past week as the old Pizza Hut building was demolished, followed by the start of demo on the north-side BP today. (see photo)
Where does this leave us? What are the plans for the corner? Well, according to a story on the cdinduluth.com website in March, there is a new retail center planned for the north-side of Central Entrance at that intersection, to the west of Arlington. Kleiman Realty has been buying up the properties (BP, Pizza Hut. UPS Store, etc) to make one larger lot that is ready for development.
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