Please Do Not Give Out These Horrible Items for Halloween
Going through your treasure trove of goodies after trick or treating can be so much fun! All of the yummy candy and surprises (and maybe even a little money) can surely make a kid's night! Don't ruin it with these awful things no kid should ever be given on Halloween.
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Have you ever been lucky enough to open the package for these and NOT have them fall all over the place? Then there's the taste. Dull-tasting candy dust compressed into a puck. Enough said.
[Sold by Special Supply and Fulfilled by Amazon]
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Tooth Bursh
Come on, it's a tooth brush! Stop it! How much more anit-candy can you get?
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Candy Necklace
More candy dust made into on of the hardest substance in the world. And does it even really taste good? It burns more than tastes.
[ Cyber Sweetz @]
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Mary Jane
Mystery chews from old people. Gross. They date back to 1914 and I think that might be when the entire world's supply was made. Also great for removing fillings.
[King of Sweets online @]
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They would be okay if they tasted good, but their weak sugary flavor just doesn’t do it when you have piles of chocolate waiting. And kids don’t take a name like Jawbreaker as a warning, they take it as a challenge.
[ Bayside candy @]