Plans For A Disc Golf Course In Superior Move Forward
It looks like the City of Superior will be giving disc golf enthusiasts a place to have some fun. The city's Parks and Recreation Department has green lighted plans to install the last remaining nine holes needed to make the existing course into a full 18-hole course. Superior's disc golf course is located in the Municipal Forest.
The expansion plans follow the initial installation this past summer as a partnership with the Lake Superior Disc Golf Association. Working together, they laid in the first nine holes, leaving space for an eventual expansion.
Now that the approval has been granted, organizers with the Lake Superior Disc Golf Association are looking to line up sponsors. The funding from that sponsorship money would be used to offset the expense of the equipment and the eventual maintenance that will be needed to keep it operating.
A final vote is still needed by the Superior City Council. According to news reports, the total cost for the entire course is roughly $20,000.