PC Sales Decline For The First Time Ever
Industry researchers say the sales of PCs this year will decline for the first time ever. According to IHS and other industry forecasting companies, sales will decline by 1.2 percent. Not much you say, but that translates to millions of dollars.
Intel and AMD, the companies that supply processors to 80% of all PCs is the big loser. They didn't move into the cell and pad market and it may prove to be deadly for their stock and company.
Each company said they were hoping the sales of ultrabooks, a new mega thin laptop, would help to rebound the sales market, but now Intel says they may have to drop their projected sales by $1 billion dollars.
So what are people buying? Upgrades, using their cell more, and pads. Industry insiders say the sales of pads and smartphones will more than double this year and project the Christmas season to kick it off.
Why the decline? Budgets, people are not spending as much on gadgets.