P.I.G.S Invite All To The Third Annual Ride For The Vets Saturday June 2nd.
The P.I.G.S are having another day of fun, riding, eating and raising money for the Vets. It's the 3rd Annual Ride for the Vets. The ride starts on Saturday, June 2 at Roper's Saloon in Superior Registration begins at 10:30 a.m. and the actual ride starts at noon.
The riders will end back up at Roper's Saloon at 6 p.m. for food, drinks and more fun. The Ride goes through Douglas County and all ends up at Ropers for Games, Drawings, Prizes and Good Food. You don't have to own a bike, it's a ride for all, and if you don't want to ride, come to the party at Ropers.
All the proceeds go to the Richard I. Bong Veterans Historical Center and Minnesota Assistance Council for Veterans.
For more information or to donate online go to PIGSGIVE.com
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