Rosie came by for a visit to the KOOL 101.7 studio. She is one of the regulars at the Lake Superior Zoo, but leading the new spider exhibit at the zoo. The Tarantula invasion starts this Saturday June 11 and goes through the end of September.

Rosie, Lizzy, Rob, and Keely all came in so I could get a closer look, but I would not let them put Rosie on me. If you have ever heard the song "I Don't Like Spiders And Snakes", that is me. I think i get it from my Mom, who has an over the top fear of spiders. I don't mind daddy longlegs, but I can't handle the Tarantulas.

“Tarantulas: Alive and Up Close” travels across the country and is making it's stop here in the Northland. The exhibit is interactive and educational. The Zoo staff will be sharing fun tidbits while children can see the little things up close and in some cases hold them.

According to, the species on display will include the rare Green Bottle Blue Tarantula, which is a rich hue of greenish blue; the Indian Ornamental Tarantula, a spider that is troubled by loss of habitat in the wild; and the Goliath Bird-Eating Tarantula, the largest variety of tarantula in the world. All 20 live tarantulas have unique stories to tell. The tarantulas will be featured at several locations on the zoo grounds.

Special features of the exhibit include a Tarantulas of the World interactive map, a Name that Tarantula educational activity, a tarantula musical showcase and more. Children will enjoy climbing on the Tarantula Burrow display, which provides more opportunities for learning through the Trip Line interactive experience.

Zoo visitors can see “Tarantulas: Alive and Up Close” with a regular zoo admission, which costs $5 for children ages 3 to 12 and $10 for adults. Children age 2 and under are free. Zoo family memberships cost $75 annually. The zoo is open from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. every day through the summer.

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