National Citizens Poll Results For Duluth Just Posted, What Do We Think
Every year since 2009, Duluth has taken part in a National Citizens Poll, and this years results are in. What do you and your neighbors think of the city, and the way it's run?
Since 2009, we’ve seen improvement in several key areas.
Particularly evident is a growing sense of optimism about the direction Duluth is headed. Duluth saw an extraordinary 23% jump in the number of residents that feel our city is headed in the right direction - much higher than the typical improvement other communities tend to see. Duluthians are feeling better about our community and are more confident in a healthy future than we have been in years.
Citizens’ increased satisfaction with City services undoubtedly contributes to that growing confidence. City employees’ commitment to first-rate customer service has resulted in an 18% increase in the number of citizens that consider services provided by the City of Duluth to be "good" or "excellent."
Duluthians’ investment in libraries and city parks continues to benefit every member of our community. The percentage of citizens that view Duluth’s public library services as “good” or “excellent” has jumped to 82% - an increase of 22% from 2009! And it’s no surprise that 81% of Duluthians approve of our premier city parks. Our city parks and streets have of course experienced a setback after the recent flash flood, reminding us there is much work to be done.
In addition to rebuilding, there are many areas in which we continue to strive for improvement. We will continue our commitment to expanding the availability of affordable housing, enhancing job growth, and ensuring our citizens feel safe while enjoying the vibrant nightlife downtown.
We will continue to listen to our citizens. Your input is the most important part of our commitment to provide better quality services. Together we make Duluth a unique and unrivaled place. Our growing sense of optimism about our community says there is something very special happening here.