Mother Duck Living in Home Depot
A duck in Bangor, Maine is certainly putting the "home" in Home Depot.
A mother duck is living in one of the chain's stores in Bangor, Maine.
Maybe the creature is looking to spruce up her nest for her little ones or maybe she's angling to be a greeter. Whatever the case, the duck has situated herself and her eggs in the gardening area of the store and employees have welcomed her and her expectant family with open arms. (Watch the video here.)
Brenda Hatch - yup, that's her last name - exercises her own maternal instincts while looking after the creature. Proving just how good the customer service at this Home Depot is, she said, "I make sure she has food every morning. I change her water out a couple times a day. If she dumps her food when she takes off, I make sure she has clean food again."
Workers have also put up signs warning customers not to disturb the duck, who they have not officially named.
Of course, once the little ducklings hatch, the store plans to remove the family to a local marsh, although employees believe the duck will come back next year, since she set up shop last year, as well.