MNDOT Updates On Highway 61 Bridge Construction Near Two Harbors
Officials with the Minnesota Department of Transportation will be providing updates and information to the general public about their plans for the two linked road construction projects happening on the Stewart River and Silver Creek Bridges north of Two Harbors. In one case work will begin new this season and in the other, work will resume on a project already underway.
According to details shared by the Minnesota Department of Transportation, work at Stewart River is set to begin on April 18. Meanwhile, the Silver Creek work will be resuming again after the off-season on May 16.
In advance of both projects, MNDOT has scheduled a public meeting to share information and provide a venue for getting questions answered. That meeting will happen on Wednesday, March 9 starting at 5:30 PM. Similar to the public meetings that MNDOT has coordinated the last two years or so, this one will also be held virtually and not in person.
If you have special needs in advance of the meeting, you can reach out to the Minnesota Department of Transportation to request an ASL, a foreign language interpreter, or other reasonable accommodation; you can even request a transcript in braille or large print. Call Janet Miller in advance at 651-366-4720.