MNDOT To Provide Update On Projects During Virtual Session
One of the things that the Minnesota Department of Transportation has always done a good job of is keeping the general public informed; they usually host a series of public commentary meetings (sometimes called "Coffee and Conversation") to update people about road project plans, solicit commentary, and provide information. Since the response to the COVID-19 Pandemic, MNDOT has largely moved these sessions to an online medium - hosting virtual Coffee and Conversation meetings.
The next-scheduled virtual Coffee and Conversation session has been planned for Tuesday, June 16 at 2:00 PM. MNDOT Project Managers Alex Peritz and Randy Costley will be on the session to talk about the wide-variety of road construction projects that are going on during the summer of 2020; the focus will be on the northern region of MNDOT (known as District 1) - which includes portions of St. Louis, Itasca, and Koochiching counties. In addition, they'll talk in detail about the Highway 2 road construction project and the Bigfork demonstration project.
Anyone from the general public is welcome to take part and attend the virtual meeting. Everyone is welcome to ask questions as long as they pertain to MNDOT-related projects.
To take part in the meeting, click here to visit MNDOT's District 1 landing page and then click the meeting link. A recording the presentation will also be posted on the district's webpage for those unable to attend the meeting while it's happening live.
For the time being - as the COVID-19 Pandemic response is in place, MNDOT is working hard to adhere to Governor Tim Walz's Stay at Home executive order. Road work has been identified as a Critical Service by the state and will continue on.
Here are some important reminders from MNDOT about safety in regards to this specific project as well as any of the projects you might encounter this summer:
- Slow down when approaching a work zone
- Use caution when navigating through the marked-off work area
- Stay alert - work zones constantly change
- Watch for workers and slow moving equipment
- Obey the posted speed limits. Fine for a violation in a work zone is $300
- Minimize distractions behind the wheel
- Be patient
- Expect delays - especially during peak travel times
For more information about this specific project or any of the scheduled road work across the state, click here to visit the Minnesota Department of Transportation's online project page.

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