MNDOT Reminder About Political Campaign Signs
As we head into the mid-term elections this fall, officials with the Minnesota Department of Transportation are reminding property owners and campaign workers about the state law as it applies to placement of political signs along highway right-of-ways.
According to Minnesota State Law (Minnesota Statuette 160.27): placement of campaign and other advertsing signs is not allowed along highway right-of-ways - including but not limited to interstate, state, county, city, and township roads. The definition of a highway right-of-way includes driving lanes, inside and outside shoulders, ditches, and sight-corners at intersections. In addition - placement outside of a right-of-way on private property requires the consent of said landowner.
In addition, the Minnesota Outdoor Advertising Control Act (Minnesota Statuette 173.15) prohibits the placement of advertising materials on public utility poles, trees and shrubs, rocks, or other natural features.
MNDOT crews are required to remove illegally-placed signs and impound them. Violation of the law is a misdemeanor. In addition, civil penalties may apply if the sign placement contributes to a motor vehicle crash or causes injuries to a person.
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