MMA Urge For Mandatory Face Masks To Control Pandemic
In a press release from Dan Hauser Director of Communications, Education, and Events, the Minnesota Medical Association and 20 other medical societies are pushing for lawmakers to make mandatory mask laws.
According to the press release the MMA is stating they see improvement in the COVID-19 numbers and think that there would be further improvement in the numbers with the wearing of facemasks in public. They support both Mayor Frey and Mayor Carter's request to wear face masks in any public indoor businesses or buildings. They go on further to say everyone still needs to practice 6ft social distancing, washing your hands for 20 seconds, staying home when you think you don't feel well. Also, get tested in you think you are showing symptoms and have a fever.
I hear people give all sorts of reasons for not wearing a mask. I understand it's not fun or comfortable, but to me, it seems like it is working when I see the numbers slow down. The other thing that comes to mind is if the numbers keep rising, there might be a state-wide mandate to wear a mas all the time. The MMA goes on to say in the press release, that signs in businesses should say, no shirt, no shoes, no mask, no service.
In a statement on the MMA website:
“The Minnesota Medical Association and its 10,000 physician, resident and medical student members fully support St. Paul Mayor Melvin Carter and Minneapolis Mayor Jacob Frey’s call for citizens to wear face masks in indoor public places. Wearing masks is one important tool in the fight to slow the spread of COVID-19 along with maintaining social distancing, washing your hands, staying home when you’re sick and getting tested if you have symptoms. These are all ways that Minnesotans can practice good health. Wearing a mask is important because the virus can be spread by people who don’t have symptoms or know they are sick. It’s also a very meaningful way to demonstrate support for the thousands of the state’s health care workers caring for patients on the front lines.”
From MMA President Keith Stelter, MD