Meet The Spokespeople for Step Out To Cure Diabetes Duluth
You are invited to Step Out to Cure Diabetes. Held again this year at the Miller Hill Mall on April 6th. This years ambassadors are sisters, Emma and Anna Arntsen they both haveType1 diabetes. Here is their story:
Ten and a half months later, Emma’s younger sister, Anna, who had just turned 2, had a bad cold, was coughing a lot and was frequently asking for water. Her parents thought her thirst was due to her cough until she had 3 diapers in a row that were saturated just as if they had been dunked in a bucket of water. Before we even tested her blood sugar, we knew we had seen these symptoms before. The blood sugar meter read “HI” and we immediately made appointments to see a doctor to confirm her Type-1 diagnosis and obtain the prescriptions necessary for her live a healthy life.
Both girls learned how to poke their own fingers and use their blood glucose meters at a young age...Anna was just 2 ½ years old. They both also started using insulin pumps just a few months after they were diagnosed.
Emma is now 12 years old and in the 7th grade and Anna is 10 years old and in the 5th grade.When I interviewed their Mom, she estimated at such a young age, each of her daughters had poked their fingers 46,000 times.
To help find a cure and do research, Step Up to Cure Diabetes is taking place.
Here's the info for the walk and to meet these brave girls:
Event Date: April 6, 2013
Location: Miller Hill Mall, Duluth, MN
Event Address: 1600 Miller Trunk Highway, Duluth, MN
Directions: click here
Check-in Time: 7:00 AM
OpeningoCeremony: 8:00 AM
ClosingoCeremony: 9:30 AM
Distance: Walk as many laps as you would like!
Raise or Donate: $100 - Stop Diabetes
$1,000 - Champions to Stop Diabetes
Check in/registration in the Food Court Area at 7 AM. Please bring your collection envelope and donations to check in. Each individual that raises $100 or more will earn the offical Step Out: Walk to Stop Diabetes T-shirt.
The Walk will begin after the opening ceremony at 8 AM. Walk inside the Miller Hill Mall. You may walk as many laps as you'd like. Visit our Health and Wellness Expo and Kids Zone.
All walkers that raise funds will enjoy massages, light snacks, door prizes, team photos, music, special guests and more!