Local Schools To Participate In Bike To School Day
Wednesday, May 8 is National Bike To School Day - an event set up to encourage students (and teachers) to walk to ride their bicycle to school. Statewide, the Minnesota Department of Transportation has made the national event part of their Safe Routes To School program - which focuses on getting more students walking and bicycling to school. Locally, there are a number of schools that are taking part.
According to organizers, Bike to School Day events raise awareness of the need to create safer routes for bicycling and walking, and emphasize the importance of issues such as increasing physical activity among children, improving pedestrian safety, reducing traffic congestion and concern for the environment. The events also build connections between families, schools and the broader community.
Ahead of this event, MNDOT supplied participating schools with toolkits and marketing materials. In addition, a poster contest was initiated statewide challenging students to draw a poster that shows how they feel when riding a bicycle.
Locally, all of the Superior Public Schools are taking part - including Cooper, Lake Superior Elementary, Northern Lights, Superior High School, and Superior Middle School. In Duluth, Congdon Elementary and Lester Park Elementary are participating.