Just how "natural" is "natural"?  The Kellogg-company is about to find out with  their Kashi-brands of cereal.

Kellogg's is facing anger on social media sites because of complaints that its popular Kashi brand of cold cereals doesn't live up to the company's "natural" billing on advertisements and box covers.

The national backlash started innocently enough on the local front, when an independent grocer did some fact-checking and found out that the popular cereal used "non-organic ingredients".

[The] Rhode Island grocer tacked a note to one of his store shelves, telling customers he wouldn't sell the cereal because he found out the brand used genetically engineered, non-organic ingredients. Photos of the note began popping up on Facebook pages and food blogs as some consumers claimed Kellogg's was misrepresenting its cereal.

The note went viral.  Vigilant customers have ranted and shared their concerns on all of the usual social media platforms.   Some of those customers say that they felt duped because they believed that Kashi cereal was produced by a small, organic company - even though it's been no secret that Kellogg bought the company a few years back and has been producing the cereal ever since.

In their defense, Kellogg says that they have done nothing wrong.

Kashi has done nothing wrong, says David Desouza, Kashi general manager. "The FDA has chosen not to regulate the term 'natural.'" The company defines natural as "food that's minimally processed, made with no artificial colors, flavors, preservatives or sweeteners.


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