When I ask fans of classic rock who their favorite groups are, almost always in the list is the mighty Led Zeppelin.  In a lot of ways, some of their sound could be a dictionary definition if you looked up "Rock and Roll.

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Even for me as someone who didn't grow up in their heyday or with parents that listened to Zeppelin, I got pulled into their music at a decently young age because of others.  Love the band or hate the band, it's hard to argue they are a staple of classic rock music that will probably never be forgotten

We'll of course never see Led Zeppelin on stage live again, but there are plenty of groups out there that cover or tribute their music and do it so well.  Once such group is going to make an appearance near the Twin Ports in August.

Bayfield, Wisconsin's Big Top Chautauqua is known for rocking concerts and entertainment of all genres under their big tent in the Northwoods.  The variety to me is what makes it so much fun, and even if it's not quite the style of music you'll always dig, you can't deny the talent of the performers.

For a fun Saturday, August 5th night the Big Top will be featuring a musical performance from the group, Get the Led Out.  The six-piece act will crank out all of your favorite Zeppelin songs as a celebration of the iconic classic rock group.

Tickets for the performance are only between $40 and $64 bucks and it's hard to beat the price for the incredible show you'll get.  Rock and roll fans won't want to miss this one under the Big Top.

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