While parts of both Wisconsin and Minnesota will see a pretty sizable amount of coverage of the sun during the solar eclipse on Monday, neither state is in the "path of totality" where the sun will be completely covered.

If you're feeling some FOMO and don't want to spend a bunch of money to travel and fight with crowds, there is still a way to see the full eclipse.

Where is the path of totality?

As NASA's Eclipse Explorer map shows. the path where a complete eclipse of the sun will occur is well south of Minnesota and Wisconsin.

READ MORE: Minnesota solar eclipse viewing guide - what you'll see and best times to view across the state

Places like Duluth and the Twin Cities will see 70-75% coverage, while Wisconsin will see greater numbers. Wausau and Eau Claire will see about 80% coverage while Madison and Milwaukee will be closer to 90%.

NASA Eclipse Explorer
NASA Eclipse Explorer

The path swings through parts of Texas, Arkansas, Missouri, Illinois, Indiana, Kentucky Ohio, Pennsylvania, New York, Vermont, New Hampshire, and Maine.

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The good news is that NASA will be providing a way to watch a good, high-quality version of the eclipse without having to leave home!

How to watch the 2024 Solar Eclipse from anywhere

Annular Solar Eclipse Observed In Japan
Getty Images

Starting at noon central time (1 pm Eastern), NASA will be providing an online stream from various places along the path of totality. The stream will show views from telescopes to provide a high-quality show for viewers online.

The stream will also include appearances by scientists and even astronauts from a space station.

You'll be able to catch the stream via NASA's "Solar Eclipse Through the Eyes of NASA" page on their website.

While I plan to check out my view from Northern Minnesota on Monday, getting a view like this will be super cool! While I won't be able to experience the level of darkness people will see in person, this will still make for a great (and easy) way to see the show - no special glasses required.

Odd Shadows Appear During Solar Eclipse

Sure, the solar eclipse was awesome. But, if you were only looking up, then you missed out on a really cool show on the ground too.

Gallery Credit: Credit N8

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