It's no secret that a lot has changed over the past few years! For the first time, during the COVID-19 pandemic, shoppers couldn't head out in droves to get the best deals at their favorite stores for Thanksgiving and Black Friday.

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Now, most stores close for the Thanksgiving holiday, opting instead to let staff spend the day with their loved ones and going extra big for Black Friday instead. This is certainly the case in some big name stores, like Target and Walmart, just to name a few.

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It looks like Minnesotans as a whole are still just as excited as ever about scoring some deals on Black Friday, being named one the states with residents most excited for the holiday in a new study.

How Was This Study Done?

The study was done by, looking at Google Trends over the past week to see which states are the most excited for Black Friday. They also looked at where people were searching for 'Black Friday' the most.

Where Does Minnesota Rank Among Other States?

Minnesota came in at number three, tying with Iowa and Kentucky. Wisconsin also cracked the top ten, coming in at number seven.

Which States Are Most Excited?

According to this study, the sates most excited for Black Friday shopping are West Virginia, followed by South Dakota and then the Land of 10,000 Lakes. Other excited states include Kentucky, Utah and North Dakota.

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The study did not rank every state in the country, instead just coming up with a list of the top ten, with a few ties thrown in there. Will you be Black Friday shopping this week? I do like getting good deals but these days, I like to do it from the comfort of my own couch.

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No matter what you prefer, shopping online or in-person, you aren't alone. Minnesotans as a whole are excited to snag some good deals on Friday. There's nothing wrong with that!

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