I-35 Southbound Lane Closures Near Boundary Avenue Happen May 18
One unavoidable part of the summer season in the Northland: The road construction season. And while our weather might still be a little cool, one thing is for sure - that summer road construction season has already started; need proof: Just look at the orange cones and updates.
With a variety of different projects on the docket, the I-35 corridor through the Twin Ports is shaping up to be an especially-busy area with heavier-than-usual construction zones. Officials with the Minnesota Department of Transportation are alerting drivers to a southbound lane closure on I-35 planned for Tuesday, May 18. From 7:00 AM to 4:00 PM on that date, MNDOT crews will be conducting repairs on a variety of areas centered near Boundary Avenue.
Specifically, the Minnesota Department of Transportation will have the southbound lane of I-35 closed between Boundary Avenue and Central Avenue. Additionally, the I-35 right lane and the Cody Street on-ramp will be closed during this time.
According to details released by officials, MNDOT doesn't anticipate the closure to last longer than the scheduled one-day time period. However - as with any road construction project - unforeseen factors can come into play and create delays or lengthen the timleline.
MNDOT urges drivers to use caution while approaching and driving through a posted work zone. Slow down. Be alert. Avoid distractions. Watch for changing situations, slow moving machinery, and construction workers.

To get details about this particular road construction project or any of the work coordinated by the Minnesota Department of Transportation, visit their online traffic portal. On that site, you'll find in-depth details about each specific project as well as updated traffic and road conditions.