I-35 Southbound Lane Closures Happen December 6
A short day-long project will necessitate the closure of some lanes along the I-35 corridor in Duluth. According to information being released by the Minnesota Department of Transportation, drivers can anticipate the single southbound lane closure near 27th Avenue West between the hours of 9:00 AM and 3:00 PM.
The closure is part of advance work being done for the Twin Ports Interchange (Can of Worms) project. While the lane is closed, work crews will perform drilling and surveying tasks. Officials with MNDOT are suggesting that the work will be wrapped up within the expected timeline - barring any unforeseen difficulties.
The multi-year Twin Ports Interchange (Can of Worms) rebuild project is anticipated to begin in spring 2020. For more details about this work or any of the road construction projects throughout the greater State of Minnesota, click here.

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