Before you go crazy and start writing letters and call me on the air about putting more porn on the internet, read on and see if this isn't a good idea. How is it the Porn industry could help the United States Government and Obamacare. No, it's not free porn for congress.

What web sites have the most traffic and do the most business? According to it's google. For the best non porn website it's,  I read an article that said the biggest money makers combined with using largest amounts of traffic and keeping track of membership are porn sites.

We aren't going to lure away the programmers from Google or Amazon from their jobs. I'm sure both those companies are happy with the work being done there. So we look at the porn site programmer. He might be done looking at naked women and is afraid to tell people what he does for a living, maybe he has never been able to tell his kid's class on career day that he programs

This would be the guy to hire to put together the web site for Obamacare. It would be able to handle lots of traffic, it would be able to assign membership numbers, it would have fun movies about how to use the website and how to apply for benefits. They would sell ads on the side of the website to make some money for the government (this could help wipe out the huge debt our country has).

One of the other good things about this is that the congressman and women are clueless as to what this guy does, so there wouldn't be someone he would have to report to, less red tape to overcome.

This person could single handedly save our healthcare website and this country, and restore respect from the other countries (like Canada) who are laughing at our healthcare system.

So I make this plea to the US Government, and someone programming a Porn Website. Quit your job and help us!!!


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