Holy Cow! Watch As A Semi-Truck Sideswiped A Wisconsin State Trooper’s Vehicle
A Wisconsin State Trooper is thanking his lucky stars that he was not injured or killed when a semi-truck sideswiped his vehicle as he was pulled over on the side of the road on I-94 in Dane County Wisconsin. A police vehicle caught the video of the other cruiser getting hit by the semi-truck driving out of the left lane and onto the shoulder where the car was parked.
The accident occurred in broad daylight and both trooper vehicles had their lights on the entire time. According to a report from the Wisconsin State Patrol, the semi-truck driver told authorities that he did not see the cruiser because he was looking at something that had fallen in his cab.
This is a perfect example of how in a split second taking your eyes off the road can end up causing an accident, and when you have a semi-truck going full speed down a highway they could have caused an ungodly amount of damage, so in hindsight, everyone involved is really lucky.

This is also a good reminder of getting over to the other lane at all times when possible when you see a police officer on the side of the road, especially on the highway. We have all seen too many videos of Troopers being hit by a car as they are so vulnerable standing next to the vehicle they pulled over.
Also, now with winter and the roads full of snow and ice, it is even more important to drive slow and pay attention to the conditions and the vehicles around you. Take a look at the video below to see how crazy this whole situation unfolded.
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