Here’s How You Can Report Pet Food Complaints
We've spent the last few days with both of our pups feeling pretty sick. They wouldn't drink any water and had bathroom issues in the house, which isn't normal for either of them.

Neither of us had fed them anything out of the ordinary and we are around them enough to know they most likely didn't get into anything they shouldn't have. We did however get them new dog food shortly before these issues started.
We're usually good about introducing them to new dog food slowly, generally mixing the old and the new. With this most recent bag, it's a kind they have had before and had zero stomach issues with. It still was the only thing we could figure was making them both this sick. Once we stopped feeding them the food most recently purchased, their symptoms improved fairly quickly.
What's disappointing is that the brand we feel made them sick, is not cheap. It's also not the most expensive out there, but it's reputable and the reviews are decent. My wife decided to report the food. The question is, who do you report dog food issues to?
The short answer to that is the U.S. Food and Drug Administration. They provide a slick online reporting portal, and also a link to phone numbers for your state's FDA Consumer Complaint Coordinators.
We figured reporting it errors on the side of caution in case we aren't the only ones having issues with this particular food and the lot it is from. The FDA page also provides a handy frequently asked questions section if you need a little more guidance on what to report or not report, or other avenues to pursue if you're having pet food issues.