Even Miss USA Can’t Get A Date, Uses The Internet, Anyone Believe This?
Imagine looking for a date, you are hesitant to use the internet, but you do. There on Tinder is Miss USA Nana Meriwether. She says her schedule doesn't allow her time to meet men, so she has been using the internet.
According to The Cut, when asked about it, in disbelief I may add, she had this to say "It's funny — the guys I've said yes to have all been like, 'Are you real?'" Meriwether told the Cut last week. "I'm like, 'Yeah, of course.' Even pageant-title-holders get lonely."
Meriwether's Bio reads like this: Meriwether, a six-foot-tall South African–born beauty, is a two-time All-American volleyball player at UCLA and earned a graduate degree at USC. She eventually plans on attending medical school, after pursuing some opportunities in broadcasting and entertainment. I know what you are saying....(yawn)...boring!!
Nana says she is still skeptical but is willing to give the thing a go.