Duluth’s City Hall In The City Series Returns Albeit Online
City of Duluth officials and Duluth Mayor Emily Larson's staff are preparing for a return to the City Hall in the City series - announcing the 2021 schedule. The two events currently planned will only be held virtually (or online) even though COVID numbers have flat-lined, mask mandates have ended, and capacity restrictions are finished.
According to details released by the city that accompanied the announcement:
"[t]he series is a continuation....[for] outreach and engages with Duluth residents through community meetings that are focused on providing residents with the opportunity to engage with the Mayor, city decision-makers, and staff on a variety of topics, or on any questions that they may want to ask."
At it's core the City Hall in the City series offers opportunities for residents to observe and participate in the governing process right in their own community.
Here are the details about the two events:
- Tuesday, June 15: 1:00 PM. Street Construction Projects
- Monday, June 28: 11:30 AM. American Rescue Proposed Plan
Both of the sessions are scheduled to last about an hour. There is a possibility for future events being added at a later date.
The series isn't new. Duluth Mayor Emily Larson first launched the City Hall in the City listening series back in 2016 - with in-person events scheduled across the city at a variety of different venues. For the 2021 listening sessions, city officials have focused the agenda to feature one topic at a time; some of the topics being planned for future events include street construction updates, community resources, city budget, housing, snow emergency plans, and more.
To get more details and for the links to the online meetings, visit the City of Duluth's homepage.