Duluth is about to be invaded - but in a good way!  The U.S. Navy will be sending some of their finest to the Twin Ports July 15 - 21 for Duluth Navy Week - one of only 14 such events scheduled for 2019 throughout the country; the event is scheduled to coordinate with the U.S. Navy Blue Angels at the Duluth Aviation Expo.

Residents and visitors to the Zenith City can expect a full showing of military officials - from senior navy leadership to locally-assigned units.  There'll even be a performance by the Navy Band.

The event is used to showcase what the U.S. Navy does for our country and what it can do for enlistees.  According to Lt. Davis Anderson - Duluth Navy Week Lead Planner:

"Our mission is to tell as many people in the city of Duluth why their Navy is important.  We are happy to come to the shores of Lake Superior and show residents the different types of jobs and missions the Navy carries out on a daily basis across the world.”

To see the complete schedule of events planned and to learn more, click here for the Duluth Navy Week webpage or, click here for their Facebook page.


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