Downtown Duluth Michigan Street Project Starts June 13
A four-phase utility construction project in downtown Duluth will bring street closures and traffic impacts until November. The work - primarily located along Michigan Street - will start in earnest on Monday, June 13. A variety of both street closures and sidewalk closures should be expected throughout the entirety of the work.
According to details being shared by the City of Duluth, the construction work will replace gas and water mains under Michigan Street - from First Avenue West to 3rd Avenue East. The existing cast iron water main and steel gas main will be removed and replaced with High-Density Polyethylene piping, similar to what was installed during the recent Superior Street project work.
Meanwhile, Minnesota Power has partnered with the City of Duluth to expand electrical duct bank capacities in this area as long as the street is being closed anyway. That work will occur at the same time.
The construction project will be divided into four different phases of both utility construction and road closures throughout the summer. Each of those phases will last between six and eight weeks, with the final work being wrapped up at some point in November. As with any outdoor project, weather and other factors will determine the completion date.
The first phase of this work will happen like we said on Michigan Street from First Avenue West to Lake Avenue that phase will be what starts on Monday, June 13.
The next week - starting June 20 - Third Avenue East between Michigan Street and Superior Street will be closed to restore the street surface from previous utility construction. At the same time, sidewalk access will be limited or closed completely for the 100 and 200 East blocks of Michigan Street for gas service improvements.
Ahead of all of the construction work, there will be a public meeting to inform residents and business owners of the timeline and construction plans. That meeting is scheduled to happen on Thursday, June 9 - 9:00 AM at the Downtown Minnesota Power Office: 30 West Superior Street, in the Hodnik Hall Conference Room.