City Of Superior Offers Hazardous Waste Drop Off Option
For most items in your home, disposal is easy situation: You either recycle it or throw it away in the trash. However, some things don't necessarily fit into those categories; If you have items that are considered hazardous waste, neither is an option.
That's why the City of Superior offers a Household Hazardous Waste Drop Off option for homeowners. As part of the recycling service, the City of Superior has contracted with the Western Lake Superior Sanitary District (WLSSD) to accept household hazardous waste from its residents.
It's important to note that Superior residents are not charged for this service. However, it's also important to mention that the city does get billed for your drop off - at a rate of $45.00 per drop off. In other words - if you are thinking of using the service, you should put your thought through two considerations before taking action:
- Is this item truly considered hazardous waster (i.e. - are you sure it can't be thrown away in the trash or recycled in other fashions)/
- Grouping a drop-off - whether it's saving up a bunch of items within your household, or collecting items from friends, family, and neighbors - is a responsible use of resources.
To get more information about the program - or to learn what is and what isn't considered hazardous waste, click here.