Central Flats Development Clears Superior Redevelopment Authority
The proposed $23 million development called Central Flats has cleared the first hurdle as members of the Superior Redevelopment Authority voted unanimously to approve the project at it's meeting on September 11. The mixed-use apartment/retail space will be built on the lot of the former Central High School on Belknap in Superior - a space that has been vacant for more than 20 years.
As previously reported, P&R Properties is the developer for the five-story building that will house 136 apartments along with an additional 12,000 square feet of commercial retail space that will be located on the main floor along Belknap Street. The building is expected to be finished by the end of the year in 2020.
The next steps for the development include an approval by the full council at their next meeting on October 1. That vote will solidify the general obligation bonds and tax-incentive financing.
The proposed development would encompass the entire vacant block that sits along the north side of Belknap - between Grand and Weeks Avenues - north to 14th Street. The site used to be home to Central High School - a building that was razed in 2004. A plan to develop it was started in 2008 - even creating a Tax Increment Financing (TIF) District; however, the soft economy at the time prevented any movement from taking place.