Buy Christmas Gifts Early, Buy Toys During December
You can save yourself money by waiting till the last minute to buy your Toys for Christmas.
Keep watching the ads, follow the toys you want to buy online or get the newspaper and read all the sales.
in a 2013 article on, they state that some toys drop 20% to 40% off in price from Black Friday to mid-December. It's not just less popular toys that get discounted either. Dealnews says several toys that have appeared on the Toys "R" Us Fabulous 15 list of most popular toys of the season have also seen discounts. The statistics are still true in today's world, and maybe even more so.
Many other consumer magazines also agree with the strategy of waiting to buy toys every year. At, they also say you should wait for buying toys and other presents, that there is a time to buy for everything. They went on to say that December 13th is the absolute best time to buy toys, which falls on a Thursday this year.
Electronics is what brings people into the store, and consumers will buy more if they see the toys are discounted. Had they waited another couple of weeks that toy would be discounted even more.