Who Did It Better – MNDOT Or Canada? Compare Winning Snowplow Contest Names
File this under the "my snowplow name is better than your snowplow name" category. In a page taken directly from the MNDOT playbook, a Canadian community recently held their own contest to give creative names to the snowplows in their winter truck fleet. The contest is similar to the one that the Minnesota Department of Transportation has held the last three winters.
For the second year in a row, the community of Chatham-Kent - which is located in Ontario, Canada - asked residents to submit their nominations for creative snowplow names. Chatham-Kent is located just to the east of Detroit, Michigan - right across the Detroit River.
Some of the names were pretty creative; some even might have surpassed Minnesota's for their sarcastic and jaded winter-wit.
In total, more than 1,600 people entered their votes, with over thirty names being submitted for selection. While that number obviously pales in comparison to the 64,000 that took part in MNDOT's, the numbers need to be put into perspective; the Minnesota Department of Transportation's contest is run statewide, while - like the name suggests - Chatham-Kent's was a single community event.
According to news reports, Chatham-Kent partnered with a local company to fund and then place the decals on the plows. In a way that's similar to MNDOT, Chatham-Kent is divided up into six wards, so six winning names were selected - one for each of them.
Last year the community selected twelve winning snowplow names. Here's a look at those first - before we reveal this years' winning submissions:
2021-2022 Winning Snowplow Names
- Anita Shovel
- Gordie Plow
- Blizzard of Oz
- Darth Blader
- Pillsbury Plowboy
- Sled Zeppelin
- Buzz Ice-Clear
- Qunuk (Inuit word for snowflake)
- Flurrious George
- School's Not Cancelled
- Snobi One Kenobi
- Sleetwood Mac
So those were last years' winners. Pretty creative, eh? (pun intended) Here are the winners for this winter.
2021-2022 Winning Snowplow Names
- Betty Whiteout
- Ctrl Salt Delete
- Flurrie Jenkins (inspired by a local baseball legend Fergie Jenkins)
- Harry Plowter
- Edward Blizzardhands
- Scoop Dogg
In case you forgot, here is the list of those winning snowplow names from MNDOT for the last three years:
2022-2023 MNDOT Name A Snowplow Contest Winning Names
- Clearoptahra
- Blader Tot Hotdish
- Better Call Salt
- Sleetwood Mac
- Blizzo
- Scoop! There It Is
- Han Snowlo
- Yer A Blizzard, Harry
2021-2022 MNDOT Name A Snowplow Contest Winning Names
- No More Mr. Ice Guy
- Betty Whiteout
- Ctrl Salt Delete
- The Big Leplowski
- Plowasaurus Rex
- Scoop Dogg
- Blizzard of Oz
- Edward Blizzardhands
2020-2021 MNDOT Name A Snowplow Contest Winning Names
- Plowy McPlowFace
- Plow Bunyan
- Darth Blader
- Ope, Just Gonna Plow Right Past Ya
- Snowbi Wan Kenobi
- F. Salt Fitzgerald
- The Truck Formerly Known As Plow
- Duck Duck Orange Duck
So which names do you think are most creative? And, which community did it better - Minnesota or Chatham-Kent? Looking at the list of winning names and comparing them, there seems to be some crossover of similar winning names, which I guess is to be expected.