A Woman Is Lucky To Be Alive After Lake Country Lineman Rescued Her From Her Car Submerged In Water
Demi Hartl is grateful to be alive after some Lake Country Linemen happened to be at the right place at the right time saving her life! Last Thursday her car ended up rolling into a ditch off Highway 37 near Cherry, Minnesota. Her Toyota Camry was submerged in waist-deep water.
A group of Lake County Lineman had been returning from lunch when they noticed Hartl's car in the ditch and pulled over running into the water to help. Hartl said her car was completely submerged as she unbuckled her seat belt and could only see a few inches of the window not underwater.
As she looked for something to break the window she began to panic, and that is when she saw the faces of the lineman peering into her vehicle. Hartl said to WDIO:
They lifted one side of the car, and then Tim (one of the lineman) punched the window a few times and couldn't break it. He ran to his truck and got something metal and threw it through the window and pulled me out. I've never clung to someone like that in my life.
Tami Zaun who is the Public Relations Coordinator for LCP said the guys did not want any attention for their heroism but she wanted to share their story. She told WDIO "We are proud of our line crews. They are humble and kind and they have courage and strength. They are first responders in our communities and will take time to help in serious situations."

Hartl who is a mother of two children said she is doing "ok" and seeing a chiropractor. Her husband is hoping to take the four linemen out to lunch after they get moved to the Iron Range from North Dakota. What a horrific situation to be in that is why it is recommended to always have a tool on your key chain or accessible in your car that can easily break a window in case you ever find yourself in a similar situation. Lucky for her these guys saw her and did not even hesitate to help.
If you find yourself in a similar situation, an article from The Washington Post offers some tips on how to escape from a car that is in the water:
- Open the window as fast as possible — before you hit the water if you can, or immediately afterward.
- Stay still, with your seat belt on, until the water in the car goes up to your chin. Then take several slow, deep breaths and hold one.
- Do not try to open the door until the water has stopped flooding into the car. Initially, the water outside will put pressure on the door of up to 600 pounds a square inch, meaning you won’t be able to open it from the inside. The pressure inside and outside the car should equalize the time you start holding your breath.
You can check out the rest of the tips here.
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