23rd Veteran Looking For Vets To Go On The Recon Program
Getting vets back into life is the goal of 23rd Veteran, they are taught to work as a team and coming home working by themselves is hard.
23rd Veteran retrains the service person's brain with a program called. Recon. Some of the skills taught are fitness, camaraderie, and positive psychology. It's very difficult to think like a civilian again.
This year 23rd Veterans is looking for 12 Vets to go on this Recon. Here's what the Recon involves.
- Week-long adventure with Outward Bound
- 3x week Crossfit and positive psychology
- Simple daily homework
- Fireteam accountability
- Local community experiences

Fox 21 reports that 23rd Veteran is looking for 12 local vets who have experienced trauma to join a 14-week program. All applicants need to have served in the military and experienced a traumatic event. The program has five rules: vets must show up, no complaining, no drinking or substance abuse, no watching the news, and no war stories.
23rd Veteran posted this on their Facebook Page
The recon program is heading to the set of Discovery Channels "Alaska: The Last Frontier."
We have teamed up with Marine Veterans Anthony Droz and Catkin Kilcher to deliver a once in a lifetime retreat for Minnesota Veterans.The Kilcher Homestead has graciously opened their doors to us from October 10th- 17th for our 23V program.Again, this is a once in a lifetime opportunity for our Veterans.Please tag or share this with a Minnesota based Veteran!
**All Veterans applying must complete the 14-week program, not just the first 7 day Alaska expedition.
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