chris hadfield

Watch This Real Space Tribute To David Bowie
Watch This Real Space Tribute To David Bowie
Watch This Real Space Tribute To David Bowie
Astronaut Chris Hadfield is well known for doing new things in space and making videos to explain what it's like to be up there. One of his favorite artists is David Bowie. My friend, and a well established Canadian musician and writer,  Emm Gryner arranged this song and helped him record it and edit it together.
Emm Gryner, Canadian Musician, Arranges Music For Space and Herself
Emm Gryner, Canadian Musician, Arranges Music For Space and Herself
Emm Gryner, Canadian Musician, Arranges Music For Space and Herself
I was talking this morning about a friend of mine that had a connection with David Bowie. Astronaut Chris Hadfield did a version of Space Oddity, a David Bowie song. Certain clearances had to be made to get the song to be done. My friend Emm Gryner is the one that arranged the song for Chris and played on it too.