The Lakewalk Trail needs some help. After the storm that took it apart in some areas and washed some of it apart, the Greater Downtown Council held some fundraisers to fix it.

The Greater Downtown Council (GDC) and Canal Park Business Association held two fundraising events on February 1, 2018 as part of the kick off to the Cold Front February Celebration and to raise funds for the restoration of the popular Lakewalk Trail which sustained significant damage during the October winter storm.

Both organizations coordinated the largest outdoor Coffee Hour and the largest Happy Hour with over 100 attendees at each event donating towards the cause. The GDC and Canal Park Business Association will attend the City Council meeting tonight, February 26 at 7:00 pm to formally present a check to the City.

The City Council is also expected to approve a resolution accepting the donation tonight. The Lakewalk Trail boardwalk located behind the hotels in Canal Park is closed off due to dislodged wooden planks. Two other areas of the paved portion of the Trail near the Fitger’s CoTra.

This money will be a start to fixing more locations of the trail.

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