July 10, 2016 | 10:00 am - 12:00 pm

Additional Information

Everyone is invited to the first annual Ode’imin 5k Walk/Run on Sunday, July 10, 2016. The Ode'imin, heartberry, carries many teachings of healing, love, life, and it reminds us to run with our hearts out front. The Ode'imin 5K is a fundraising event for the KwePack women's running group, with all proceeds going towards sponsoring indigenous women runners in the Duluth community.

Date: Sunday, July 10, 2016
Time: 10 a.m.
Location: 3212 Magney Drive Cloquet, MN 55720 (Kiwenz Campground)
Registration: Begins at 9 a.m.
Race Start: 10 a.m.
Registration Fee: $15.00 (*includes a limited edition Ode’imin 5K T-shirt)

REGISTER: buytickets.at/kwepack

The KwePack runners are a fixture in the regional trail running community. We are humbled by being known locally as “the face of native running.” The KwePack (Kwe means “woman” in Anishinaabe) is a running group for Indigenous women in the Duluth region. The pack consists of over 25 indigenous women runners - mothers, community leaders, role models – who
Over ten different reservations.

The KwePack participates together in road and trail racing events from 5K's to 50 mile ultramarathons. The KwePack strives to create healthy communities to make healthy living the new normal. Media attention from local and tribal newspapers, Native Report, and the nationally known magazine “Runner’s World” has given rise to the life of our mission, healthy and active living in our communities while putting women at the front of leadership for their families and communities.

For questions, please contact the KwePack at kwepack2016@gmail.com