Winter In The West To Show Off The Best In West Duluth
On February 23rd, the Riverfront Community Development Presents The Greatest Hits of what Western Duluth has to offer, both in and outdoors.
With many businesses that offer an array of services and activities, the Riverfront Community Development put together a day of activities and places to visit to see what a great place West Duluth is to play and shop in.
Here's a layout of the day on February 23rd.
9 AM - 10:30 Free Community Breakfast Our Savior’s
9 - 5 Ski Hut West Fat Tire Bike Trials
10 - 5 Bailey Builds Artisan Market
10 - 6 Antique Market Place Scavenger Hunt
10 - 10 Dungeons End Free Gaming & More!
*11 - 12 Kickoff Zenith Bookstore & Information table
12 - 6 Explore Activities In The West. Hiki Hut Mobile
Sauna, Book A Seat @
12 - 9 Gannucci’s Taste Testing Bread, Oil, And Herbs
2 - 6 Valley Youth Center Outdoor Play, Exotic Pets,
Snow Sculpting, Etc. Twin Ports Cyclery Fat Tire Biking
2 - 6 Kid’s Activities Indoor/Outdoor, Smores & More
Our Savior’s Church, Zoo Animals 2 - 4
6 PM - ?? Beaner’s Dance Party!