Win $2500 To Choose Netflix’s “Most Bingeable” Shows? Here’s How To Sign Up
Do you like to watch TV? Are you hopelessly hooked on Netflix? Do you pay for at least 73 different streaming subscriptions? Don't answer that last one - I have definitely lost count. I think I've more than made up for cutting the cord. Now I need to seriously consider cutting the streaming bundle. A first-world problem, I guess.
Now you can help Netflix out by determining the "most bingeable" show, and it will only require 50 hours of your time, give or take. If you win the $2500 prize that works out to about $50/hour, for something you can do after work or school, sitting safely on your couch. OK. You have my attention.
To celebrate National Binge Day, which is today, September 25th, Online Casinos wants to get to the bottom of a popular debate: which series truly is the most binge-worthy on Netflix? Squid Game, Stranger Things, or Wednesday…? They are looking for the ultimate TV binger to step up to the challenge. Are you a power-binger? If so, your ticket has just come in.
According to CNBC, the three programs contain 51 episodes, totaling just under 50 hours of content. That means the $2,500 payment averages out to about $50 per hour of Netflix viewed. The winner of the contest will be selected at random, by midnight on Sept. 25, at which point they will receive the initial $500 for their Netflix subscription and snacks. They will then have until Oct. 25 to submit their reviews of the three shows, at which point they will receive the additional $2,000 payment via Paypal.
Yeah, this offer is love at first sight, a digital no-brainer. Wait, you're going to pay me to stream shows I haven't seen before? The odds of winning are probably laughably-low, but maybe today is your lucky day? Click here to sign up and may the Streaming Force be with you!
Nothing ventured, nothing gained. Good luck. If you win, please invite me over to watch Squid Games, which is still in my never-ending Netflix cue. I'll bring the popcorn.
Mondays are rarely lucky but maybe today is the exception to the rule?