When Will They Open A Minnesota Or Wisconsin State Fair Food Store?
First of all, I am putting this in writing, so that when someone does this I get all the money for the idea.
On the heels of Wisconsin saying their State Fair will happen, and Minnesota saying, their state fair will probably happen. That means we will all be able to eat State Fair Food. Last year, the state fairs both did food stops for people to enjoy the State Fair food. I think this should be a permanent store. I know, people will say if you can buy it anywhere, why by at the store? It's because it's special food.
I have seen the box of corn dogs from the state fair. It's not the same. Let's set up a food truck that makes famous food from the State Fair and serve it up. You have to catch the truck and the store. It would be a way for everyone to enjoy the food year-round. All the vendors would have employees at the store that makes the food. You could buy funnel cakes, corn dogs, all kinds of food.

Who wouldn't want to buy Cheese Curds, just like the Minnesota or Wisconsin State Fair? You could buy a giant Turkey Leg or other State Fair Food. We could have one of the State Fair Store downtown Duluth. or like I said it could be a food truck that travels over the Blatnik or Bong Bridge to sell State Fair Food.
They could set up in Canal Park or Park point on the Duluth side. On the Superior side, put a truck over at the Barker's Island area. Over by the Meteor, or by the mini golf place.
People could go out for lunch and get an original funnel cake, or state fair cookies or doughnuts. I think this would be a great idea and would ruin everyone's diets by late in the day on January 1st.
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