What’s With People Leaving Rubber Ducks On Jeeps?
The other day I made a stop at St. Luke's Hospital in Duluth to visit my wife. While sitting in the parking lot a guy with a Jeep Wrangler made a stop, got out of the vehicle, and placed rubber ducks on other Jeeps in the lot.

I had heard something about this in the past, and kind of forgot about it, so I got out of my truck and inquired. I asked him what's up with the rubber ducks and Jeeps? He replied, "I don't know, it's just a Jeep thing, someone left one on mine and I ordered a bunch online to place on other Jeeps". With no help from him on the origins, I consulted with my Uncle Google.
Leaving a rubber ducky on a Jeep is simply called 'Jeep Ducking', or just 'Ducking'. I can't find the exact origins, but many forums and online pages claim it started in Canada as a friendly gesture. A way to bring a smile to someone's face and hopefully make their day.
Jeep Duck is a website dedicated to Jeep Ducking and sells various types of rubber ducks for the cause. Their page does leave a lot to be desired with not much information under the 'Story' or 'Registration' tabs, but they of course aren't the only resource for buying rubber ducks if you're looking to start Jeep Ducking.
Amazon has a large assortment of rubber ducks which can be bought in bulk. If you do leave a duck on someone's Jeep, make sure it's being placed where they will see it. Some people even print or purchase tags or stickers with the ducks encouraging photos with associated Jeep Ducking hashtags.