What Foods Are Most Associated With Christmas Dinner?
'Tis the seaon! For many, the secular Christmas season is about traditions, family, gift-giving, and gift-getting. But one of the biggest parts of the holiday season for many is the traditional large meal and foods that are served for December get-togethers.
Ask ten people what foods they most-associate with Christmas and chances are you'd get ten different answers - especially if they named more than one or two items. The food that's served at Christmas-time is a combination of family, tradition, heritage, and what is considered celebratory. And - to each their own. While you might make a large meal for the holiday with many courses, someone else might serve a more-simple menu; it's the people we share it with that makes a holiday dinner special.
So - if someone asked you what foods you most-associate with Christmas what would you say? If we had to guess, here are some of the foods you'd probably mention: