Weird Al Sues Sony, Shannon Tweed Gets Even With Groupies and Gene Simmons, Cocaine Found In Whitney’s Hotel.
Hey There!!! Be sure and catch my entertainment report at 7:20 am Monday thru Friday with Chris Allen, Remember to Keep Looking At The Stars!!
"Weird Al" Yankovic says that Sony Music Entertainment owes him to the tune of $5 million.In a lawsuit filed Friday in U.S. District Court in New York, the "Eat It" musical parodist claims that Sony has shortchanged him on royalties with a variety of improper accounting practices. He is seeking a judgment somewhere north of $5 million. So would it be inproper of Sony to give Al parody money like monopoly?
Shannon Tweed the wife of Gene Simmons has released a new video game allowing her to get even with groupies. She says she needed the game to act out her fantasies. She also said that she still doesn’t trust Gene to be loyal and will be there on every tour backstage to monitor. You know what they say, you didn’t just gain a wife or daughter you gained a hall monitor.
Here’s the hot poop!! LA Police have released a report that says they support the drowning as the cause of death with Whitney Houston, but that they found traces of cocain in the hotel when they swept the room for clues.