WATCH: Runaway Minnesota Snowmobile Demolishes Garage Door
Imagine you just got your family into the car and backed out of your driveway, only to see an out-of-control snowmobile blast by as you are driving out.

That's exactly what happened to the Walters family from just outside Pelican Rapids, Minnesota. The Walters had just all piled into their car to take a little trip into town when they witnessed the out-of-control snowmobile blow past them and head straight for their home.
Judging from the video, it appears the operator of the runaway snowmobile used some quick thinking and jumped off when things got out of control.
My guess is that the throttle somehow got stuck at a high rate of speed. You can see the rider jump off to spare his life and limbs.
The Walters just happened to have security cameras both outside their house and on the interior of their garage. Amazingly, they were lucky enough to catch the collision with their garage door on camera.
That should come in pretty handy when they have to explain to their insurance agent what exactly happened to their garage door.
I'm guessing that the Walters family will be showing this video for years to come to their family, friends, and neighbors.
I just received a Ring doorbell camera for a Christmas gift and I'm pretty sure I'll never record anything so spectacular. The best I can hope for is the look on the Fed Ex guy's face when my 80-pound dog Astro jumps up on the door with that mean bark.
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