Tips For Putting A Snowblower Away For The Season
It's over. You made it through another Northland winter. And whether this past one was the coldest and snowiest ever, average, or mild and tolerable, they all seem to blend into the collective memory that time glosses over; in other words - it was as bad as we want to remember it and it was as good as we want to forget. And through it all your trusty snowblower was there for the brunt of it.
Chances are - you haven't given that snowblower one last thought since the final snow fall. And while it's a good thing that you've let the brunt of winter flee from your immediate mind, it's also too bad. That small engine that was your workhorse this winter now needs to be tucked away for the summer offseason. And if you do it properly - you can make that snowblower last for many winter seasons to come.
With snowblowers - and really any small engine for that matter - a little TLC now can pay dividends in the future. The old saying in life says "if you care for it, it'll care for you" - and that's really true with small engine machinery. Changing the oil, swapping in some new spark plugs, and some thoughtful storage techniques will make that blower last for decades to come.

So - here are some good tips to consider when putting your snowblower away for the summer offseason. Some of them might be old news to you, some might seem like overkill, but hopefully they all prove to be useful.
Tips For Putting A Snowblower Away For The Season
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