There’s Another IRS Scam Warns Local Law Officials
Like clockwork, there are scams that fit the season. This year another IRS scam.
This one works on your email. There was one the past few years (that may make a comeback this year) that would call you and a person on the other side of the phone would know your address and some information on you, just enough to fool you then ask for information that they could use to ruin you.
Duluth Police posted a message on their Facebook page Tuesday morning, warning of IRS scams for this tax season. They wanted to get ahead of this year's new crop of scams. Like I said before this one is an email scam. It sort of follows in the vein of the Amazon one going around. They have all the right graphics and links. Those links are the scam.
The DPD said they are trying to stay one step ahead and said "I’m sure we will see an increase in these types of calls in the upcoming months so be prepared. Make sure to let others know who may not have access to this information to prevent them from becoming a victim."
As a rule of thumb, don't sign in to any accounts from an email, even if it's not a scam. This is how they get sign-in info and other private things about you. Some of the emails can steal info off your computer. They can look into your programs for other sign in secrets you have and get sensitive information you think is safe.
Here are a few tips. If you should be called by the IRS, ask for their information and their direct line to call them back. Some will be ahead of you and will have that information. Ask to call them back, then verify that information. Most scammers will not want to give you any information. Most of the time the IRS will contact you by mail with all the information you need to contact them. If you should get one of these emails, contact law enforcement and send the emails to them.
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