The Wait is Almost Over, Here is the Date When Costco Duluth Will Open
First, they were coming, then they weren't, and after some time and negotiation, they were back again, and now we are just weeks away from the Twin Ports' first Costco Wholesale store opening its doors.
As you can see by the photo above that I took today, the building is up, the gas pump shelter is up, several signs are up, they were working on the parking lot when I drove by, so the opening must be coming up very soon.
In fact, the store will be open just over a month from today, according to an ad from Costco on Facebook, the store will open its doors on October 28th. The team from Costco can be seen all over Duluth with their popup tents and arrow signs directing people to sign up early.

No doubt the first few days will be insane, so if you know already that you plan on signing up, it might be worth taking advantage of these early signup opportunities, especially if they are going to make it so easy, heck, they are even coming into the radio station next week to answer questions and obviously try to sell us memberships.
Back in July, Costco began posting job openings on its careers page, and there are still plenty of jobs available everything from Baker to Tire Installer. CNBC reported that Indeed ranked Costco as the best employer in 2019, saying that Costco, "received great reviews for promoting its staff and offering raises, with the average hourly wage for a Costco employee being roughly $22.50."
The new Duluth Costco Wholesale store, located at Haines and West Arrowhead roads, will be the 13th store in Minnesota and only the 4th outside the metro area, and we are glad to have them.