Paramount Pictures has shared the trailer for the upcoming adventure comedy The Lost City, which stars Sandra Bullock and Channing Tatum as a romance novel author and her books' cover model, respectively. The movie also stars Daniel Radcliffe as an eccentric billionaire, who kidnaps Bullock's character in an attempt to discover ancient treasure from a lost civilization.

Directed by Adam and Aron Nee, The Lost City was co-written by Oren Uziel (22 Jump Street), and Dana Fox (What Happens in Vegas). From the looks of the trailer, the movie falls in line with Netflix’s monstrously popular Red Notice. Both feature a trio of beloved, charming actors — one with impressive muscles, one with dashingly handsome looks, and a fierce heroine with witty comebacks at the ready. But The Lost City has a cameo from Brad Pitt, which Red Notice doesn’t.

Here's the movie's official synopsis from Paramount:

Brilliant, but reclusive author Loretta Sage (Sandra Bullock) has spent her career writing about exotic places in her popular romance-adventure novels featuring handsome cover model Alan (Channing Tatum), who has dedicated his life to embodying the hero character, “Dash.” While on tour promoting her new book with Alan, Loretta is kidnapped by an eccentric billionaire (Daniel Radcliffe) who hopes that she can lead him to the ancient lost city’s treasure from her latest story. Wanting to prove that he can be a hero in real life and not just on the pages of her books, Alan sets off to rescue her. Thrust into an epic jungle adventure, the unlikely pair will need to work together to survive the elements and find the ancient treasure before it’s lost forever.

It’s a fun premise, and the role of Loretta Sage is right in Bullock’s wheelhouse. From her past comedy work, we know she’s great at playing characters who have to become the opposite of who they are — whether it’s an FBI operative-turned-pageant queen in Miss Congeniality or a tough businesswoman-turned-sweet fiancé in The Proposal. Her transformation from introverted author to jungle survivalist will likely be entertaining to watch.

The Lost City arrives exclusively in theaters on March 25, 2022.

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