Take A Look Drone Footage Of The Superior High School Demolition
Spartan pride is rampant this summer - as construction work on the Superior Senior High School building plows forward. The multi-year project is progressing towards the one-year anniversary, and construction crews have accomplished a lot. Towards the end of the school year last year, students were able to start utilizing some of the classrooms in the new part of the building and the coming 2018-2019 year will see even more new things.
One of the major changes to the building along the way has been the demolition of The Circle - the widely-revered, most-visible part of the existing building. Demo work started right after the close of the 2017-2018 school year in May - and it's expected to be complete before students head back this fall. Once The Circle is gone, workers will commence on the part of the building that goes in its place.
Superior residents (many present, past, and former students) have been curious about the project. There was an open house just prior to the demolition start - but the project site has been largely closed off behind fences.
Tony Hart - one of the staff members here at Townsquare Media - took a drone out to get a look at how far they've come with the demo. Click on the video and you can take a look, too!