We’ve all been there - thinking the toilet is a one-stop shop for getting rid of random stuff. But trust me, flushing the wrong things can lead to some pretty gnarly consequences.
There are plenty of odd YouTube channels, that's what makes it great, but this channel ranks up there with the strangest.
'Stanwell Channel' is a channel dedicated 100% to toilets, and public restrooms, there is no commentary that I can find in any of the videos, just a simple thumbs up or thumbs down on each of the toilets or sinks in the reviewed restroom.
We have had several windy days in a row and according to our WDIO Storm Team meteorologists, we have several more to come. I have always gauged how windy it is outside by the rockin' and rollin' of the water in the toilets inside, but never really knew why or how that can happen. Curiosity got the best of me and we now have the answer.
It's an age-old question: Does the toilet paper go over or under the roll? While people have debated the question since its invention, there apparently is a definitive answer!
Flushing something down the toilet doesn't make it go away - you're just moving the problem somewhere else. The City of Superior's Environmental Services - a Division of Public Works - reminds everyone that proper disposal of wastes and garbage can prevent problems for both you and the city.
The next time you take a trip to the john, think about how nice it'd be to own Numi, a brand-new toilet with every possible amenity you'd ever need.
Plumbing company Kohler invented the sophisticated, high-tech toilet and it's definitely a porcelain throne fit for royalty.