The latest information is that the retail industry is suffering for a couple of reasons. One of course is the option to shop on line and have it delivered to your home. The other is that popular retail stores are feeling the crunch of on line shopping and closing their retail spaces. Sad. I have such great memories of going to the mall, from a child to pushing my child in a stroller.
Anyone who knows anything about retail knows that there is a pricing structure in place at every store. That structure can help you get the best deal possible - but - you need to know how to crack it.
There's an app for that! It seems like (almost) everyone has a smartphone these days, and the list of ways it can make your life easier is never-ending.
There you are in a store that has 8 of the 9 things on your family list, but one of them isn't on sale like store number 2 across town. You see that store 1 price matches. You over hear someone having problems, here's some things that will help you.
I'm not sure it's accurate to say we're worse off than we were two years ago. It is frustrating we can't see the light at the end of the tunnel though.
Two years after the official start of the recovery, the American people remain pessimistic about their current economic circumstances and longer-term prospects.
via Pol...